Sunday, November 13, 2016

You Will Never Regret Being Kind

This summer on our family vacation to North Carolina - and the first major road trip for the Ricca Family - we stumbled across the song "Humble and Kind" by Tim McGraw.  It resonated with us immediately with it's simplicity and quickly became a family favorite.  We stopped on it every time we were flipping through radio stations through the various states we drove through.  If you have not heard it, the video is here, courtesy of YouTube and the lyrics are here thanks to Google Play Music.

This week was one in which we needed a great deal of kindness.  There were many hurt feelings, surprised professional political pundits, and deep questions about the future of our country.  After I had the "Who Won" conversation with Our Boys on Wednesday morning, I came across this tweet from Alex Shevrin (@shevtech):

More than anything we need kindness to move forward.  Perhaps for some, it's not even time to move forward yet.  We need kindness and patience to stay put with those who are still stunned.  We need kindness to build relationships with those who disagree with our view of the election and the outcome.  We need to be kind to one another.  

"Help the next one in line, always stay humble and kind."  You will never regret being kind.  

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