Monday, October 12, 2015

How Do You Recharge Your Batteries?

Today was not a student day in Montpelier Public Schools - admittedly, Columbus did not discover America and so I have mixed feelings about having a day in celebration of him.  While I have been superintendent in Montpelier, this has been a day students came to school.  That said, in the past few years, we have received feedback that it is a long stretch through September, October and November until the Thanksgiving break.  So this year we are tried something new, an opportunity for everyone to recharge their batteries.

Make no mistake about it, students and adults in Montpelier Public Schools work hard.  I am proud of how student centered we are, how diligently the adults prepare each day for our students, and how much I see our students engaged in the work they take part in.  Mental health and well-being of students and adults is important to me and without giving attention and time to both of these, our work and learning will suffer.

Recently, our dog Malachy had an aural hematoma that needed to be removed.  Malachy was a gift from our wedding party 11 years ago and is an incredibly special part of our family.  She is a yellow lab, is named after the school where My Bride and I met in Chicago and sadly is starting to show signs of her age.  Fortunately, she did not need surgery for the hematoma thanks to the wonderful care from our vets.  They lanced and drained the spot, exhibiting tremendous care and concern for her.

Part of the post-visit treatment was a course of prednisone, a steroid.  While Malachy was on this steroid, she reverted back to her puppy stage.  She was running, jumping, and playing constantly.  It was clear that this medicine was having a positive effect on her and for a few weeks, we had our little puppy back in our world.  As she was weaned off it, she slowed down a little, returning to what you would expect of an 11-year old dog.  Malachy is now fully off the medicine and loves spending time with Our Boys in the yard when she can.  She doesn't run nearly as much as she did when she was a puppy, nor when she was recently on prednisone, but she does keep up with a 9 and 7 year old.

What helps you recharge?  What gives you energy and strength when you need it?  How will you sustain your mental health and well-being?  Share ideas and comments below - all our students are counting on you!


  1. Three years ago, the opportunity to learn to fly fish came about for me as a form of relaxation to counteract the stress I was experiencing from a serious medical diagnosis. Since then, I have been, not often enough, perfecting my cast whenever I can. Although the fish caught so far have been nothing to brag about, I am finding myself enjoying the experience far beyond the goal of catching fish. Yesterday, I spent the day with my family on Seyon Pond in Groton State Forest casting and taking in the incredible beauty and warmth of the day. It was glorious! I highly recommend fly fishing as an excuse to get outside, yes, fish, and take in all nature has to offer. Now, that is a recipe for recharging the batteries!

  2. Three years ago, the opportunity to learn to fly fish came about for me as a form of relaxation to counteract the stress I was experiencing from a serious medical diagnosis. Since then, I have been, not often enough, perfecting my cast whenever I can. Although the fish caught so far have been nothing to brag about, I am finding myself enjoying the experience far beyond the goal of catching fish. Yesterday, I spent the day with my family on Seyon Pond in Groton State Forest casting and taking in the incredible beauty and warmth of the day. It was glorious! I highly recommend fly fishing as an excuse to get outside, yes, fish, and take in all nature has to offer. Now, that is a recipe for recharging the batteries!
