I'm grateful for all of the employees of East Greenwich Public Schools. Every single one of them. From Food Services to Facilities. From Paraeducators to Principals. From Teachers to our Technology Staff. From Administrative Assistants to Administrators. Their efforts, many of which are largely unseen, bring the results and outcomes that our community is so proud of. Even when we don't, our folks show up again and again. Education is such a personal endeavor, and all of our employees bring their gifts, talents, love, and professionalism to our six schools.
I'm grateful for our students and their families. It is a gift to be in the educational lives of the humans in this Town. It is a covenant of trust that is a sacred bond.
I'm grateful for our School Committee and the values that they live in their work. All Means All is not just the name of our Strategic Plan. It is how these seven public servants ask me to lead East Greenwich Public Schools.
I'm grateful for the Town Council and their commitment to education in East Greenwich. They took a risk in approving a high "not to exceed amount" for the bond for our Master Plan, and that courage allowed us to offer this community a project that will touch five of our six schools. As I've said many times, what's good for the schools in EG is good for the town. What's good for the town in EG is good for the schools. We work better together!
Finally, I'm grateful for the community support of our Master Plan. I'm proud of how the School Building Committee, together with the School Committee and Town Council, earned a vote of 69% on Tuesday, November 7. While we still have a great deal of work ahead of us, that kind of confidence from the voters is tremendous.
Acknowledging that not all holidays are happy times for everyone, I hope everyone finds time to rest and recharge during the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I am proud to be the Superintendent of Schools here. I remain incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve in East Greenwich Public Schools.
Photo courtesy of www.ifyourbodycouldtalkblog.com |
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