Sunday, June 12, 2022

In Gratitude

For the past four years, I've had the privilege of serving as the Superintendent of Schools for the St. Johnsbury School District. While at times the role feels isolating, and it is, any superintendent will tell you, that it is a complete team effort. No superintendent is successful without a tremendous supporting cast - and I've got one of the best. 

In my graduation remarks on Friday night to the 8th Grade Class of 2022, I shared something that I have paraphrased from Aaron Sorkin, a playwright and screenwriter responsible for one of my favorite TV shows of all time, "The West Wing." I like bands more than I like solo acts. I like team sports more than I like individual ones. I like teams. When you're successful on a team, there are people to celebrate with along the way. It's a little bit easier when you're struggling on a team because there are others with you to share in that struggle. 

I am so proud of what we have done in the past four years, particularly the past two. And I am grateful. 

To the Board of School Directors: Thank you for being financial stewards, mindful of the line between operational work and Board work, and for always being student-centered, first and foremost. 

To our Teachers: Thank you for your love, professionalism, and commitment to growth for every single child that comes into our building. 

To our Paraeducators: Thank you for your love, support, and dedication to all of our students. 

To our Support Staff: Thank you for ensuring our organization runs smoothly, is welcoming, and feels like home. 

To our Food Service Personnel: Thank you for your commitment to nutrition, endless smiles, and creativity on our trays. 

To our Facilities Staff: Thank you for a building that is not only clean but also well maintained and cared for, with an eye toward the future. 

To our Leadership Team: Thank you for seeing the big picture, your willingness to have the hard conversations, and your courage to lead. 

To the St. Johnsbury Community: Thank you for supporting our work through positive budget and bond votes over these past four years.  

I know I have grown so much while serving this wonderful community. I hope you feel the same way!

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