I'm sorry.
Two powerful words.
Two incredibly powerful words.
This week the phone rang in our home. It was our landline. Yes we still have a landline.
My Wife answered the phone and stepped out of the room. I heard none of the conversation. When she came back into the room, she was beaming. "I just got an unsolicited apology."
We had been dealing with a situation with some friends - from our perspective it was a misunderstanding from an e-mail we had received. Our instinct was to respond to it right away and instead, we let it sit for a couple of days. We were still not sure about how best to respond when the phone rang that night. As it turned out, it was best that we had not responded.
It took a great deal of humility and integrity to call and say those words. No "but" accompanied the apology. An unsolicited apology heals.
I'm absolutely inspired by this and hoping to share at least one unsolicited apology this week with someone who deserves it.
Who in your life needs an unsolicited apology?
It's always about #relationships.
What a powerful, short message. Thank you.