Sunday, November 19, 2017

On Being Grateful

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year.  This is a holiday that has no gifts except the presence of others.  No gifts, except the gift of time.  No gifts, except the gift of relationships that grow and expand around the table. 

Not everyone will be as fortunate as My Family and me.  For many of our students, the holiday season brings uncertainty.  Uncertainty of food, heat, and in some cases love.  For many of our adults, the holiday season means challenging family dynamics for some and being alone for some others. 

I am grateful to serve in a community where a message like this resonates.  I am grateful to serve with other adults who care about the whole child.  I am grateful to serve in a district where adults step up to help other adults in times of need.  I am grateful to serve with others for whom relationships matter. 

The first goal in the MPS Action Plan is to provide equitable learning opportunities for all students.  At a conference recently, Vermont Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe reminded us that equity is not a zero sum game.  Giving to those in need, does not mean taking away from others.  I am grateful to serve in the state of Vermont. 

What are you grateful for this week of Thanksgiving?

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