Sunday, November 1, 2015

How Are We Doing So Far?

By now, you have all (hopefully) turned your clocks back and enjoyed an extra hour of something this weekend.  If you have little children, it's possible that you didn't quite enjoy that hour.  I do hope that whatever the extra hour brought you this weekend, it was enjoyable because let's face it, time is a gift.

As I reflected on this idea this weekend, I am aware that we are entering into a particularly busy time of the school year.  Over the next several weeks, we have an ambitious schedule for education our students and taking good care of ourselves.  Both are critical if we are going to serve our students, ourselves, and our families.

In an effort to be a part of the cycle of continuous improvement in Montpelier Public Schools, I offer this post as the opportunity for feedback.  If you are an employee of MPS, please click on this link to share your feedback.  If you are not an employee of MPS, please feel welcome to copy and paste the following questions below and share your responses in the comment section.  I will keep the link active and will take comments for the next two weeks.  I will compile and share responses for my blog post on November 22.

  • What is one thing that has gone well this school year?
  • What is one thing that needs improvement?
  • What is one thing you hope to see happen before the end of this school year?
  • What can I do better to serve Montpelier Public Schools?

The last idea that went through my head as I was reflecting on our work thus far in MPS, was gratitude.  I am grateful for the opportunity to serve this community, with a professionally dedicated faculty, a staff with an endless amount of energy, a Leadership Team with a student-driven vision and a School Board committed to their own professional growth in governance.  It continues to be a privilege to serve this community of students and families!

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