Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Today I Got a Flower From My Son

Today I got a flower from my son.

The flower didn't look like these - it felt like these.  

No reason, I was just getting ready to go to work and he came in from gardening with My Bride and said, "Here Daddy, this is for you."  In that beautiful, simple gesture, my son Brendan made my day.  It's the simple things really that make a difference in our lives.

When I logged into this blog this morning, it reminded me that I have not posted since January 2014 and that feels like a long time.  It is a long time.

I want to get better at blogging and make a commitment to post more regularly.  I am sometimes overwhelmed and feel as though I need to have something "big" to say, in order to blog.  Then I read someone like Pernille Ripp (@pernilleripp) or George Couros (@gcouros) and realize that it doesn't always have to be big.  Don't get me wrong - I think that both Pernille and George are some of the biggest thinkers in education today and I am inspired by the work on a daily basis.  And often, when I am inspired by them, or by others, it is not because of the size of the idea - it is because of the simplicity of the idea.

So I am making a commitment to blogging.  I am making a commitment to sharing my ideas on a more regular basis not matter how big or how small they feel.  Because when I got a flower from my son, this is how I felt:

Coincidentally, this is Our Brendan who gave me the flower.

I may need a nudge, reminder, or shove to keep doing it.  I will rely on all of you to help me.  

Today, I got a flower from my son. 

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