Welcome to Life Long Learning. In this blog, I hope to share some of my reflections, comments, and thoughts about education, educational leadership, and pedagogy.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
The Pursuit of Excellence
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays. From my perspective, it gets the short shrift because of the recency of Halloween and the forward-looking toward those we celebrate in December. I recognize that part of the origin includes a celebration of when we took land from Native Americans, which we need to reckon with as a country.
Still, when we see holiday decorations and gifts displayed in grocery stores, pharmacies, and around our neighborhoods in November, it feels to me like we are looking past this celebration. It is a day for food and family, recognizing that family is not easy for everyone. I've yet to meet the perfect family or even one that resembles the Normal Rockwell Thanksgiving painting. Still, this Thursday, we sit down with those who are important to us, pause, and give thanks. As someone new to East Greenwich Public Schools, these first five months have been a gift, and here are those whom I am thankful for:
Our students - despite being a relative stranger, I have been welcomed into classrooms, science labs, hallways, and lunch fields. Whether in early elementary or in high school, the EGPS students have engaged with me thoughtfully and meaningfully.
Our teachers - every day, these professional men and women pour their entire selves into planning, lessons, and assessments. They, too, have opened their classrooms and professional spaces to me asked me questions, partnered with me, and collaborated in a way that makes me very proud to serve EG with them.
Our paraeducators - these men and women make it possible for some of our students to fully access the education available in East Greenwich. Some students would not be as included in our classroom environments without them. Our paraeducators assist with some of the most basic functions for our students, and they do so with love, empathy, and compassion.
Our administrative staff - always with a smile, they welcome me into each building when I visit. They answer the phones, coordinate schedules, and ensure that each school runs smoothly. Their professionalism ensures that the most minor details are not overlooked, that our students go home on the correct bus (or in the right car), and that the school functions as it should.
Our facilities staff - when I think about this team's work, the word stewardship comes to mind. With an eye toward the future, and one on the present, our buildings look and feel taken care of, down to the shiny floors we all walk on. I've often observed members of our facilities teams interacting with our students, building their own relationships with them. We never know which adult will be the one that makes a difference in the life of a child.
Our technology team - no one calls the Director of Technology to say "thank you - today, the internet is up and running." Often a team that lives in the background (until something goes amiss), and yet their attention to the critical infrastructures that support teaching and learning cannot go unnoticed. Their commitment to growth is only matched by their curiosity and desire to maintain smooth operations throughout our district.
Our district staff - a combination of department heads, district leaders, and administrative staff have warmly embraced me with all my quirks. Whether it is joining me in my celebration as I announce that we finally hired a school psychologist, ensuring that my schedule is balanced, or quietly supporting my sweet tooth, I am so fortunate to be surrounded by excellence at 111 Peirce Street.
Our town leadership - from the manager to the councilors to the staff at 125 Main Street- has demonstrated a willingness to partner with the school department as we look to the future. I'm proud of the conversations we have had so far, as well as those that are to come. Their collaboration and leadership are genuine and the hallmarks of meaningful relationships.
Our local media - the two things I look for in a media outlet are fair and balanced. The EG News has been nothing but that since I was named superintendent. It is undoubtedly not something I take for granted, so I appreciate their work on behalf of our schools.
Our school committee - seven professionals who take the time twice a month, and many hours in between, to come together to better serve the students and families of East Greenwich. As superintendent, I cannot ask for much more. I'm proud to lead with them and thrilled to inherit a strategic plan entitled "All Means All." The power in that simplicity has been a north star for me.
On behalf of My Family, thank you for welcoming me to East Greenwich. All the Riccas wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
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Photo courtesy of https://medium.com/@zookkini/on-gratitude-640df0a8d62 |
Sunday, November 13, 2022
All Votes Count
More often than not, I hear something to the effect of: "My vote won't matter." Or "I can't impact the election." Or "No one will know the difference if I've voted."
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Photo courtesy of the Classroom Law Project |
Sunday, November 6, 2022
A Crummy Six Letter Word
Even superintendents were little once. Can you pick me out of the two rumble seat boys? |
The first was a staff member telling me they needed a day for a follow-up visit. The day was next to an existing non-employment day, and while permission was not required, this individual wanted to ensure I knew why the absence occurred. During the message, this person stated the reason for the follow-up, and it had to do with cancer.
I couldn't write back fast enough to acknowledge receipt of the message. I shared how unnecessary it was and my gratitude for sharing part of their story with me. Also completely unnecessary. After clicking send, I sat back and thought of my grandfather.
It's not trite. It's true.
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Photo courtesy of @childrensociety |